Archive for February, 2009


freedom in the worship ministry

Ripped this from a friend’s blog who ripped it from another blog. As I’ve been in both shoes of worship leader and service pastor, I understand the dilemma at times involved. I think Wade Joye penned a mature perspective of it. If you’re involved in worship ministry (or aspire to), enjoy the article!

Guest Blog: Wade Joye, Service Programming Director

One of the frustrations I tend to hear from other worship leaders or creative directors is that their lead pastor does not give them the freedom to drive the creative elements of the Sunday worship experience.  What most fail to recognize is that they have not earned that freedom.

At Elevation, we have a very unique situation. Pastor Steven used to be a worship leader. He loves the creative process and is extremely good at it. However, he has given us tremendous freedom to take his vision for a series and program around that. Because he trusts us, he is able to focus on preaching the word of God rather than carrying the weight of the other aspects of the service.

Here are a few ways you can gain that freedom with your lead pastor as a worship leader or creative director.

•    Embrace and understand your pastor’s vision for the worship experience: If your pastor’s heart is to have a high energy worship set, and you always bring set lists filled with slow songs that put people to sleep, your pastor will feel compelled to begin picking out songs for you.
•    Present your series ideas as far in advance as possible: This will let your pastor know that you are being proactive and putting significant thought into each set, rather than waiting until the last minute and picking your old favorites. Any great creative element takes time to really plan well and execute, so the last minute doesn’t produce a world result.
•    Don’t grunt when you have to make last minute changes: There will be times when your pastor feels led to change their sermon at the last minute, and the element you were so excited about just doesn’t work now. Or he feels that a certain song (that you may not like) really sets up his message well. When that happens, don’t act like the world is ending. Go with the flow and make it happen. Trust that God is leading them and submit to authority. Doing this joyfully goes a long way.
•    Take chances: If you play it safe, your pastor will feel the need to push the envelope. Our services and the worship of our God should be remarkable, and if your programming falls into a rut and becomes boring, your pastor will feel the need to step in. Push the envelope, take chances and get reigned back in if needed.


combined services 210209






I was particularly touched by this moment. To see the leaders I’ve served together with being prayed for to take up the mantle of leadership – there’s a sense of excitement that God has even greater things in store. We’ll continue to grow from glory to glory!




revolución caliente

I spent two hours on my day off watching The Motorcycle Diaries. The DVD has been on my pile for months. Glad I’ve finally caught it!

The Motorcycle Diaries

The movie’s based on the journals of young Ernesto Guevara, the man who would later become, yes, that Che Guevara.


I wonder how many people out there have him on their t-shirts without knowing his controversial ideas. Anyways, I think this movie is a must-watch for everyone with interest in social science (ah, the humanistic subject). I can’t say how valid it is as a political science study; nevertheless, it’s fascinating to look into the birth of a revolutionist.

Though this is a personal blog, I understand I have a public ministry; thus, I shall refrain from expressing personal socio-political views here. The most I can say is there are many people who need help out there. So, so many. One scene in the movie that broke me was when they left a leper colony deep within Peruvian Amazon.

leper colony in Peruvian Amazon

The truth is, there are still colonies like this even today on planet earth. Just like there are still numerous slums in this supposedly progressive world. Critics who say Slumdog Millionaire is an over-dramatisation and peddling of poverty are academics who have never stepped out of their air-conditioned office into the real world.

Growing up in Jakarta, I knew this for myself:  A mother who’d break her son’s leg and make him a cripple for life. Why? So that at least he can beg on the streets. No one would take pity on a healthy boy. And no one would give an uneducated urchin a job anyway. Son, I’d rather have you crippled than starved to death, she’d think.

Seeing how sick this world is can get overwhelming. But I’ve found my peace in God. History’s shown that pinning hopes on a certain politician or economist is unrealistically naive and downright dangerous. The world will not be changed by a lone figure. The world will be transformed by a movement of numerous nameless people who, after tasting grace, become vessels of compassion to the ends of the earth. One life at a time. One city of refuge at a time.

So there you go. Confronted with the evil face of humanity, one can either turn to revolutionary war or remain indifferent and passive (I’m inclined to think the latter is the greater evil). OR one can always turn to revolutionary love.

To end a lighter note, watching the movie made me wanna cross the South America continent! Eelee, it’s high time I visit you to make good of my promise! Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Andes, Easter Island, Machu Picchu… I should start eating bananas everyday in order to save up! Maybe I should get a motorcycle license, too…


see ya again!


The next time you come back, I’m gonna beat you in L4D!





“The difference between daydream and a burning vision is the audacity to act.” – Furtick

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